15 letters

so in one month you will be 3 my sweet little girl

You are cheeky, you break a cup and when I tell you “that was such a nice cup baby, just look at it” your answer is “it’s not that nice anymore Mummie”

You are clever. You speak quite a sophisticated English and considering you didn’t speak any at all last year in November and all you learned was in last half a year it is pretty damn good

You know 14 letters of the alphabet and it’s most cute thing to see you say it and “perform”

You are very big on “friends”. Friends becme important to you

you have a huge imagination and

you sleep through the night without wetting your bed and without needing to go to the toilet

while other kids demand or don’t see reason you are most of the time very polite which sometimes is quite infuriating when you say ” no thank you Mummie”  to things you “have to do” like taking your medicine but one can always negotiate with you and reason with you,. It has been like this for the last year. If you are given a choice and we make you promise something you agree and keep your promise and this is just awesome


You are such a joy and I love you to bits!!


Your Mum and often your “baby” because you love to pretend with me that you are the mum and I am the baby. How crazy and wonderful it is to rest my head on my baby’s lap and she strokes me to sleep and sings to me pretending she is my mum. Sorry I wrote so little but you keep me busy my love

So they need to crawl?

So i was told, Apparently it helps connect both sides of the brain and to gain proper spacial awareness.

Though I think she is getting there just in her own peculiar way I’ve decided to give it a go and show her how to crawl – motivation and towel underneath her to support her – worked, she is getting really good in it even though she is more into standing up

Woke up far too early so..we sat her in the living room on the floor in front of the box with toys and went back to bed.
An hour later we found her on the other side of the room by the windows. She found a doll in the box, somehow !!!carried it across the room!!!! and sat her by the window



falling asleep while standing up

She is standing!
Tue 18.12.2012 – pulled herself up holding onto baby walker
Tue night – stood by the edge of the mattress than leaned against the wall without holding to anything and stood like this for a good while
Wed – stood up in her bathtub – a soft plastic bowl. She tried to pull herself holding onto the edge but the side of the bowl moves so she used her leg muscles to pull herself up
she has a cold and yet she still goes on – she slept yesterday for one hour and at 9 pm she kept practicing getting up until she started falling asleep while standing and falling over on her little sleepy face

standing up

After standing when held and rising her bum and straightening her legs when in crawling position, half standing when supporting herself on us in bed 7 months 5 days – stood up completely by herself pulling herself from the floor holding to the side of her baby walker:)

There is not a moment when she is awake that she would not look around looking for something to grab and explore, in front of her, on her side or behind her and she can twist while sitting so that she can easily reach for object behind her back. seems like she has eyes at the back of her head too

Thank Mama Nature for coconut

I am drinking Nu the coconut water, coconut milk and eat local delicacies full of coconut cream.  Baby drinks nu and has her food blended with fresh soft coconut meat – full of omega 6 fatty acids.

“Omega 6  are necessary for human health. Along with omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development. Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), they help stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and maintain the reproductive system”.


Baby’s pacific diet – first solids

Started solids on october 29th – 5,5 months. local “mama” who came with us on a boat cruise to take care of Haumea fed her papaya. before we let her lick different food – sour, salty, sweet, even slightly spicy, experience tastes, flavour and textures

I am not buying ready made food. Throwing things into a blender and giving them fresh to my Baba: rice with papaya, rice with green peas and carrot, rice with coconut meat, sometimes a bit of chicken egg yolk, mango. can’t wait for the avocado season. I basically lived on avo and avo milk and honey smoothies in my last months of pregnancy. I bet my baba will love it.


baby haumea’s first lessons

6 months old – understanding “no”

Am going to use no each time she may hurt herself first to teach her that it is better to listen to it.  also when she starts screaming for food am saying no and refusing to feed before she stops and waits patiently – it does teach her it’s well worth listening to her parents.  decided am going to allow little bangs or or ending up with her head under water and swallowing some so she knows the results of not listening to “no” request and possibly avoids any bigger injuries

6 months old baby haumea – progress

5 and a half months calls mama mama, then stopps and focuses on kinesthetic skills

As soon as finished 6 months learned how to sit up. turns over to her tummy then pushes walks back with her hands pushing herself up, often does split or half split before she puts her little lags in front of her.

Eats anything you give her. for the fist week or two of solids there was a drama each time next spoon is delayed. later learns more patients and reacts to “wait”

Definitely understands “no”