Te Reo Maori

Pure kai na te tamariki

Kia ‘akameitaki ia te Atua
No te kai ta matou ka kai

ia akatapu mai koe te reira
ia akamatutu i to matou kopapa, manako ete vaerua

I roto i te ingoa o Iesu
Thank you God
For the food we are about to eat

May it be blessed
To nourish our body mind and soul

In Jesus’s name we pray
Pure kai na te tamariki

E nā kō nei kōtou kia pure

Topiri mai te mata
Pure totau i te pure a te atu
Nako tatou kia pure.
E to matou metua i te ao ra
Kia tapu toou ingaoa
Kia tare ki toou basileia
Kia akonoia toou anoano
I te enua nei
Mu tei te ao katoa ana

Omai i te kai e tau ia matou
I tera nei ra

E akakore mai ita matou ara
mei ia matou i akakore
I ta tei ara ia matou nei
auraka e akakure ia
matou kia timata ia mai
E akaora ra ia matou
Mei te kino
Noou oki te basileia
E te mana
E te kaka
E tuatau ua atu
Our father,
which art in heaven,
thy name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done
on earth,
As it is
in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us for debts,
As we forgive our debtors ,
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and power,
and glory forever & ever.
E nā kō nei kōtou kia pure