
Saturday before Easter. I always used to wake up to the bright sunlight coming through the windows, often the first rays of sun in many days and  to the smell of freshly washed curtains and a tempting smell of baking cakes coming from the kitchen where my grandmother would be busy with cooking since dusk. There would be an abundance of food in the kitchen, even during communism my nana somehow was able to miraculously create an abundance, there would be a couple of oranges then and a chocolate, the whole bar which I would not save eating it over a month in small bits. Easter was being spoiled. Easter was about food, tastes and smells.  Later on there would be many chocolates and oranges but none of them would make me as happy as that single one that was so special when I was a child.  Easter was all about traditions, thevhouse smelling of cleanliness, tulips and jonquils, fresh willow branches sprouting new leaves.

I remember there was always some sun doesn’t matter how many grey days of winter preceded it, the sky would colour blue almost as competing with the yellow and green of spring flowers adoring our house. Then I would prepare the basket with food that had to be taken to the church to be blessed by a priest and then shared during the Sunday morning breakfast.

On Sunday the food would never disappear from the table and the house would be full of chatter of all the relatives getting together to share the joy of the holidays

Saturday was beautiful here and we spend quite a bit of time swimming in the lagoon. On Sunday we walk up to the rain and wind.  I did not want to get up too soon happy cuddling in Marcuse’s arms, with his hands caressing my tummy waiting for you to wake up too but a little story about Easter bunny wondering around the house made me run like a child to the lounge to find a basket of gifts.

The feelings this Easter was all about love and fulfilment, a complete and utter happiness, excitement about having 4 full days together, just two of us with you growing up inside of me making us think about how it will be to hear your little voice next Easter

There was pork with apple sauce and some red wine but who really cares, the food was not important, we celebrated the most important thing in the world love

I have heard the words “I love you” so many times and saw the love in Marcus’s eyes even more often. So many times he would wait for me in the water, stop me to put his arms around me and tell me his feelings but if he said nothing I could still see it in his eyes, as clear as the water around us.

I am so happy baby girl and I wish you a love like this when you grow up and am happy you are a part of this love