Ohana means family

This is a letter we got from your grandparents from Berlin. We read it together, Marcus helping me with the translation, sitting in a small cafe by the beach in Paihia, Northland New Zealand, waiting for our eggs benedict with bacon, sipping latte. the day was beautiful and I did not think it could be much better but this letter made it even more amazing, there is so much love and feelings in it.

You are so lucky my little one that when you will be growing you will have people like this around you, that they are people closest to you.

And this is what real beauty is, the one that shines from inside, not the way people look or the clothes they wear, you read this letter and you cannot help thinking how beautiful the people who wrote it are and this beauty will never go away on its own, it will never dissapear with time, unless, like uncle Claudi said in his little story about old wise  Indian, you will keep feeding the wrong wolf.

Ohana means family, if you watched the Stitch animation already, and if not ask your parents to show it to you, hope you will now imagine the little outsider saying it. Family means no one stays behind

Liebe Ewa und lieber Marcus!

Heute habe ich noch einmal Ewa`s Tagebuch für Haumea gelesen. ( mit Übersetzung).
Ich habe die ganze Zeit weinen müssen, aus diesen Zeilen spricht so viel Liebe, Freude
und Güte. Sie hat so ein warmes Herz, genau wie du lieber Marcus. Ihr Zwei seid wirklich
etwas ganz Besonderes, euch muß man einfach lieb haben. Auch wenn ihr ganz weit weg seid, denken wir jeden Tag an euch und beten auch für euch alle DREI. Rarotonga ist doch wirklich das Paradies auf Erden, auch wenn es wenige Abstriche gibt, aber  so ist es nun mal auf dieser Erde.

Wir freuen uns jeden Tag mit  euch und freuen uns riesig auf unser Enkelkind.
Heute schicke ich einen Brief an euch ab mit einer CD : Klassik für Babys”. Um meinen
Favoriten  habe ich ein kleines Herzchen gemacht. Es heißt :”An der Wiege”. Es ist
wunderschön. Aber die anderen Titel sind auch sehr schön. Es ist auch etwas Schokolade
für Ewa mit drin ( für Marcus natürlich auch).

So meine Lieben , wir wünschen euch ein
schönes Wochenende, wir denken an euch und drücken euch. Ein besonderer Gruß
an unsere kleine Haumea!!!

Eure lieben Eltern.


Love the animals, love the plants, love everything.
If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things.
Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day.
And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

ama gli animali,ama le piante,ama ogni cosa.se tu amerai ogni cosa ,capirai il
divino mistero delle cose.una volta che tu lo capirai,inizierai a comprenderle
meglio ogni giorno.ed arriverai,alla fine ad amare l’intero mondo con un amore che tutto abbraccia.

a song by Fabrizio De Andrè

They go
they come
sometimes they stop
and when they stop
they are as black as the raven
it seems they look at you with evil eye

Some time they are white
and run
and take the heron shape
or the sheep shape
or some other animal
but this is seen better by the children
who play running after them for so long

Some time they advise you with noise
before coming
and the ground trembles
and the animals become quiet

They go
they come
they come back
and they will even stop for so many days
that you do not see the sun and the stars anymore
and it looks like you do not know
the place where you stay

They go
they come
for a true cloud
thousands appear faking
and they remain between us and the sky
to leave us only a desire for rain

ogni tanto si fermano
e quando si fermano
sono nere come il corvo
sembra che ti guardano con malocchio

Certe volte sono bianche
e corrono
e prendono la forma dell’airone
o della pecora
o di qualche altra bestia
ma questo lo vedono meglio i bambini
che giocano a corrergli dietro per tanti metri

Certe volte ti avvisano con rumore
prima di arrivare
e la terra si trema
e gli animali si stanno zitti
certe volte ti avvisano con rumore

e magari si fermano tanti giorni
che non vedi più il sole e le stelle
e ti sembra di non conoscere più
il posto dove stai

per una vera
mille sono finte
e si mettono li tra noi e il cielo
per lasciarci soltanto una voglia di pioggia.

“Imagine there’s no heaven


“Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today…

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one”.


” Immagina non ci sia il paradiso
è facile se provi
nessun inferno sotto di noi
sopra solo il cielo
immagina che la gente
viva solo per l’oggi

Immagina non ci siano nazioni
non è difficile da fare
niente per cui uccidere e morire
e nessuna religione.
Immagina che tutti
vivano la loro vita in pace..

Puoi dire che sono un sognatore
ma non sono il solo
spero che ti aggregherai anche tu un giorno
e il mondo vivrà in unità

Immagina un mondo senza la proprietà
mi chiedo se ci riesci
senza necessità di avidità o rabbia
una fratellanza tra gli uomini
immagina tutta le gente
condividere il mondo intero…

Puoi dire che sono un sognatore
ma non sono il solo
spero che ti aggregherai anche tu un giorno
e il mondo vivrà in unità”.

Your uncle Claudio used this song to win the hearts of the girls … Your mom and your dad to make you sleep …


I tenaci vincoli della terra
d’un colpo ho reciso
e ho danzato lieto nell’aria
sopra ali d’argento.
Il cielo ho scalato,
di nuvole esplose
ho seguito il disegno impreciso
e ho fatto, contento,
cose che tu non puoi aver sognato:
tuffi, planate, giravolte,
ma lassù tutto è silenzio.
Ho spento i motori
e percorrendo spazi inviolati
di paradiso,
la mano ho messo fuori
e di Dio ho sfiorato il viso.

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, – and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of – wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence.  Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air ….
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew –
And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

Letter from Mama Johnny

Dear Haumea,

today your daddy received this beautiful letter from an outstanding woman and he had to share it with Mum right away and we both think you need to read this too. Johnny and Claudio belong to a group of people who we would like to be a beacon of hope and goodness for you.

“Thank you, dear Marcus.  You will be the most fabulous father ever, and I will send you loving and warm spirits every day from now on so that you will continue to develop to you fullest potential as a father and HUSBAND…Hurray!!!!  Haumea, my daughter, is a beautiful woman, endowed with love, kindness, warmth and respect for others.  Haumea the Hawaiian spirit goddess was the mother of mankind, that is probably why she serves the people she knows, including those who come newly into her life with Polynesian grace.  So, it is a girl?

Dear, dear Marcus, I am thrilled for you and Ewa.  To think that  Haumea will have her first swim in the very same lagoon that I love so much, and dig the sand in front of your home.
Sophia returns to Anchorage tonight.  She’s been with us for two wonderful weeks.  She is eighteen now, you know.  She attends the U of Alaska hoping to major in psychology, yikes.  I hope I will not be her first client.  Tevana finishes high  school in May and will also major in the same subject.
Thank you so much for your email, it has given me joy.  Take care of Ewa and make sure she swims and walks, and sleeps beside you.  If you caress the spot on the stomach where the baby is moving, put your lips to it and speak to her in the sweetest tone, too, the same tone and words every time and you will be surprised at how happy she will be once she is in our world and she hears the same voice speaking to her.  Unfortunately, she won’t be able to say: ‘Hi, Daddy-O.” In time, though , she will.  You must be in seventh heaven.
Warmest and deepest Aloha – to Ewa, too.  (Better low-key your praise of me for a woman (most women) doesn’t  feel comfortable with her man praising another, even if it’s a 79 and 5 months old woman. (Still swim, walk, hike, sky dive, etc.)”
Once again, a grown man was shedding tears of joy on a public transport vehicle…..

Quale lupo vincera’


Un vecchio Cherokee narrò al suo nipotino la storia della battaglia che si perpetua all’interno delle persone.
Disse: “Figlio mio, la battaglia è tra i due lupi che vivono all’interno di tutti noi.
Uno è cattivo. È rabbia, invidia, gelosia, dolore, rammarico, avidità, arroganza, autocommiserazione, colpa, risentimento, inferiorità, menzogna, falso orgoglio, superiorità e ego.
L’altro è buono. È gioia, pace, amore, speranza, serenità, umiltà, gentilezza, benevolenza, empatia, generosità, verità, compassione e fede.”
Il nipotino restò a pensarci per un minuto e poi chiese al nonno: “Quale lupo vincerà?”
Il vecchio Cherokee rispose semplicemente: “ Quello che alimenti.”

An old Cherokee chief is teaching his grandson about life.

“A fight is going on inside all of us,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.”

“One is evil — he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.

The other is good — he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

This same flight is going on inside you — and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old chief simply replied, “The one you feed.”

I wish you time to Touch the Stars


Non ti Auguro un Dono qualsiasi
ti auguro soltanto quello che i più non hanno
Ti Auguro Tempo, per divertirti e per ridere
se lo impiegherai bene, potrai ricavarne qualcosa
Ti Auguro Tempo, per il tuo Fare e per il tuo Pensare
non solo per te stesso, ma anche per donarlo agli altri
Ti Auguro Tempo, non per affrettarti e correre
ma tempo per essere contento
Ti Auguro Tempo, Non Soltanto per Trascorrerlo
ti auguro tempo perchè te ne resti
tempo per stupirti e per fidarti
e non soltanto per guardarlo all’orologio
Ti Auguro Tempo per Toccare le Stelle
e tempo per crescere, per maturare
Ti auguro Tempo per Sperare
nuovamente e per amare
non ha più senso rimandare
Ti Auguro Tempo per trovare te stesso
per vivere ogni tuo giorno, ogni tua ora come dono
Ti auguro Tempo anche per perdonare
Ti Auguro Tempo
tempo per la vita


Do not you wish a gift any
I wish you nothing but what most people do not have
I wish you time to have fun and laugh
if you appoint it well, you get something
I wish you time to do your thinking and your
not only for yourself but also to give it to others
I wish you time, not to rush and run
but a time to be happy
I wish you time, not only to spend
I wish you time because you’ll remain
time to be surprised and trust
and not only to watch the clock
I wish you time to Touch the Stars
and time to grow, to mature
I wish Time for Hope
and to love again
no longer makes sense to postpone
I wish you time to find yourself
to live your every day, every hour you as a gift
I wish you well time to forgive
I wish you time
time for life