She is right on her way to her first Birthday, our beautiful clever Cookie girl. Does it pay off to have a clever child? She started walking at 10.5, at 11 months she was running around, climbing steps, letting herself bum first of the sofa, spinning around. her enthusiasm and curiosity always amazes us. She tries to put everything that looks slightly edible or chewable into her mouth apart from things she is really unsure off – she brings them to us shows them and looks expectantly waiting for verdict. She know most of her food now and there is no banana, nu or guava that would skip her attention. She shakes, screams points at it and commands “that”. It was enough to leave her for a couple of hours with her island mama and papa who watched TV and she realised that the remote control serves for changing the channels. She also knew that the closer she comes to the TV the easier it gets.

so is it always so great? Today she decided to mimic her dad and wash the windows just as he did – resulting in big smudges made with tiny hands on just polished glass. She is getting better in using the toilet, now she stopped even clapping top herself when she makes a pipi, it became normal, but now she thinks she advanced to the next level. seeing her parents picking the inlay of the potty to flash in the toilet she decided to do the same. She managed to pick up the inside part lift it and walk to the toilet with it. Unfortunately she was stopped there by her mum who followed wet traces on the floor.
Now should I applause the initiative or tell her off for decorating the tiles with her mimi?
She is on the road to become a clever little one year old – slippery road it is
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